The Sportsplex Daycare system is an educational method designed to educate the whole child, not simply academically, but socially, emotionally and physically. Each aspect of the Sportsplex Daycare program provides knowledge and stimulation to your child’s brain in different ways. The enriched curriculum features a unique partnership of core subjects, such as Reading and Math, with fine arts, including Drama, providing children with the freedom to learn and grow through play.
Unlike many daycare and preschool programs, the Sportsplex Daycare method is based on a contemporary approach to early childhood development, which reflects the needs of children worldwide in today’s society, and aims to ensure that your child is provided with a voice. Your child’s special, unique individuality is celebrated, and they are encouraged to express themselves with joy and exuberance.
The Sportsplex Daycare method:
- Presents your child with the possibility to discover and challenge themselves and their potential
- Enables your child to have a variety of learning experiences from core subjects, extra curricular activities, as well as ample outdoor play, field trips, free exploration of materials in the classrooms and nap time
- Is well planned, yet allows children to have freedom and encourages as much creativity as possible
- Has elements of the very structured play-based methodology but also incorporates the emergent curriculum of methodologies such as Reggio Emilia.