For over 20 years, our daycare has supported the early developmental needs of Langley children. We’re the only local daycare to offer our unique combination of high-quality daycare and sporting activities.
Our 125,000 square foot sporting facility opens a lot of doors
Sportsplex Daycare is located in the Langley Sportsplex facility. Sportsplex features four ice hockey rinks. It also has a fitness facility, equipment pro shop, cafe, hockey training centre, kinesiology centre, and of course, our one-of-a-kind daycare.
Sportsplex Daycare utilizes this one of a kind facility to teach your child sports and to keep active. Our daycare sports activities includes ice skating, ice hockey, soccer, baseball, bike riding, etc. Rain or shine, our staff provides your child with 90 minutes or more of physical activity. Recent studies have shown that active children do better academically while also turning out to be active adults.
For parents wanting to get your children into Hockey or figure skating, our Sports Plus program will give them a head start on the rest of the competition. Many parents of previous graduates of our Sports Plus Program have told us how well their children are doing in their skating and hockey. Another added bonus of getting your child's sports time completed during the day is that it allows you more leisure family time.